2018年11月6日 星期二

New petition aims at repealing UN Resolution 2758, reestablishing US-ROC diplomatic ties and ending toxic relationship between the US and Chinese Communist Party 新請願書旨在美國應該與中華民國復交,並號召全球的民主國家共同「廢除聯合國2758號決議」,重新建立正確的美中關係,終止錯誤的美國與中國共產黨關係。


至荷蘭海牙國際法庭為「廢除2758號決議文」,反共復民再下一城 V1.0

New petition aims at repealing UN Resolution 2758, reestablishing US-ROC diplomatic ties and ending toxic relationship between the US and Chinese Communist Party

Activists invite people in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau as well as overseas Chinese worldwide to join the ‘We the People’ online petition and connect with the like-minded people in the Republic of China and the United States who are invested in making a change in the name of freedom, democracy and human rights.

該網站允許用戶創建請願書,如果他們收到100,000個簽名,將在“60天內”收到白宮官方回复。除此之外,“我們人民”確保美國政府不僅關注公眾的利益,而且還使外國公民能夠採取前所未有的行動 - 這是任何人,任何地方,直接與美國政府並成為變革的推動者
The website allows users to create petitions that will receive an official White House response “within 60 days,” if they receive 100,000 signatures. Beyond, “We the People” ensures that the U.S. administration not only lends an attentive ear to the interests of the public, but also empowers foreign citizens to take action like never before – it’s a way for anybody, anywhere, to speak directly to the U.S. government and become an agent for change.
本次活動主要團體為中華民國民營政福興業社本案發起人兼執行長陳長宏(網路上稱晨明)(UGG Nation Management Company Branch Taiwan  註:為了執行這些計畫所設立的一個民間社會企業)表示,請願肯定有可能實現真正的改變,他們發起在線請願“美國應該與中華民國恢復完成正常的外交關係,並廢除聯合國2758號決議”因此,這份請願書是一個機會,將中華民國自由地區台灣和美國與各地志同道合的人們聯繫在一起,並讓香港、澳門、大陸三個淪陷區獲得自由,民主和人權。
Petitioning has for sure the potential to enact real change, according to CEO of UGG Nation Management Company Branch Taiwan(a company for this project) CHEN CHANG HUNG(Web nick name is CHEN MING Morning Bright). The Taiwan-based group of activists launched an online petition to “Repeal U.N. Resolution 2758 and reestablish diplomatic relations between the United States and the Republic of China (ROC)” aimed at freeing the people of Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland China. This petition is, therefore, an opportunity to connect a community of like-minded people in Taiwan and the United States who are invested in making a change in the name of freedom, democracy and human rights.
自由之地 | A Land of Freedom
首先,美國領導人也已經確認,美國副總統彭斯於 10/4 發表演講中說「美國始終相信,台灣對民主的擁抱為所有華人展示了一條更好的道路。」,中華人民共和國的創建者及領導人毛澤東說過:「沒有人民的自由,就沒有真正民選的國民大會,就沒有真正民選的政府。」,也曾說:「一個不是人民選出來的政府,有什麼臉面可以代表這個國家,愛這樣的國家就是對祖國的背叛。」。
To begin with, U.S. leaders have already acknowledged what US Vice President Pence said in a speech on Oct. 4 at the Hudson Institute that “America will always believe that Taiwan’s embrace of democracy shows a better path for all the Chinese people.” This comment should be put into perspective with what the Chairman of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong, once said, namely: “Without the freedom of the people, there will be no truly elected National Assembly. There will be no truly elected government.” The chairman also said: “If a government is not elected by the people, who can it represent? A country that loves such a country is a betrayal of the motherland.”
Accordingly, there is little wonder that the free area represented by the Republic of China is representative of a true China, a free and peace-loving country whose democratically elected government are the only representative of mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, and the legitimate government that respects the interests and aspirations of the United States, as Vice President Pence said when he praised that the freedom, democracy and human rights of the Republic of China in Taiwan are the way in which China should go in the future.
The United States and the founding member of the United Nations, the Republic of China, should reestablish diplomatic relations as of before 1979. This is the best way to “protect Taiwan, change China and defend the free world represented by the United States.” This would also solve the problem that Taiwan’s exclusion from international organizations has created: a violation of the most basic “universal” membership principle of the United Nations. The Chinese people strongly believe in freedom, democracy and human rights, and hope for the end of the Chinese Communist Party’s violation of Taiwan’s jurisprudence. They also acknowledge the United States’ adherence to the spirit of freedom, democracy and human rights around the world.
Most people don’t know but the U.N. General Assembly Resolution 2758 did not resolve the issue of ROC’s representation and has been misused to justify Taiwan’s exclusion. Resolution 2758 decided to return the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and to recognize its government’s representatives as the only legitimate representatives of China to the U.N., as well as to expel the “representatives of Chiang Kai-shek.” .  This is a very wrong thing.
Well, Taiwan’s representatives are not representatives of the late president anymore, meaning that the world body can no longer continue to base its decisions on the controversial resolution and infringe to the rights of the Republic of China. The aforesaid resolution did not either decide that Taiwan is a part of the PRC and did not confer on the PRC the right to represent the people of Taiwan in the U.N. and all related organizations. In fact, the Chinese Communist Party’s regime has never ruled Taiwan. To the contrary, the Republic of China on Taiwan has the power to recover the mainland and protect the people of China.

It is understood that the Republic of China overthrew the Qing dynasty which ceded Hong Kong Island and gave perpetual occupation rights over Macao. These facts have nothing to do with the PRC. Nor did it give the Chinese Communist Party the right to represent the people of Taiwan in the United Nations and all relevant organizations.
 Now, after the Second World War, many Japanese who chose to stay in Taiwan could not usurp unconditional kindness the Republic of China . These Japanese are committed to wipe out the Republic of China, which defeated Japan in the Second World War. This is also a matter for heaven.

The people and government of the Republic of China, on behalf of the global ethnic Chinese community who pursues freedom, democracy and human rights, should fully support U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s trade war against the Chinese Communist Party and actions against the Communist Party of China, the people of the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao. It is hoped that the Communist regime, which dates back from the former Soviet Union era, would be wiped out from China’s land. This is because the CCP’s stability costs are greater than all military expenses. The biggest enemy of the Chinese Communist Party is China’s 1.4 billion people.

民主之地 | A Land of Democracy
中華民國在沿著一條崎嶇不平的道路行進了100多年之後,終於贏得了進入更順暢的自由、民主、人權道路的機會。由於人們在各種關鍵時刻做出的明確選擇 - 清潔政治,開放經濟和民族和諧 - 中華民國自由地區台灣民主通過選民數次的民主轉移而成功地成熟。
After treading down a rocky road for more than 100 years, the Republic of China has also finally won the chance to enter a smoother path. Thanks to the clear choices the people have made at various critical moments – clean politics, an open economy and ethnic harmony – Taiwan’s democracy has successfully matured by placing voters at the center of the political system.

Promoting democracy is at the core of Taiwan society, ensuring that the public, media and other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) fulfill their role in challenging the executive and legislative branches, which usually dominate the agenda, international cooperation and decision making, carry through democratic control over the country’s institutions, and represent the interests of the nation in all their diversity.

Since the uprising of revolutionaries led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Wuchang City, China, which successfully toppled the Manchu Qing dynasty Oct. 1, 1911, Taiwan’s democracy and existence has therefore had a meaningful significance on the international stage to become the “Asian beacon of democracy.” Contrary to China, Taiwan is a unique place where everyone values the traditional core values of benevolence, righteousness, diligence, honesty, generosity and industriousness.

人權之地 | A Land of Human Rights
The Chinese Communist Party, on the other hand, has ruled the Chinese mainland since 1949, tolerating no opposition and often dealing brutally with dissent. The leaders of the most senior decision-making body, the Standing Committee of The Politburo, have never faced competitive election; yet, they head a pyramid of power which tops every village and workplace. It is no secret that they have made it to the top thanks to their patrons, abilities and survival instincts in a political culture where saying the wrong thing can lead to a life under house-arrest, or worse.

中華民國台灣政府致力於恢復歷史真相,解決過去的不公正現象,確保不再發生侵犯人權的事件。它甚至自願將聯合國人權委員會的規定納入其國內法,其中提到了“公民權利和政治權利國際公約”(ICCPR)和“經濟,社會,文化權利國際公約”的通過(ICESCR )台灣立法機構在2009年。
Taiwan government is committed to restoring historical truths, addressing past injustices and ensuring human rights violations never again occur. It even has voluntarily incorporated the provisions of the Human Rights Commission under the U.N. in its national law, which referred to the passing of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) by Taiwan’s Legislature in 2009.

That’s the biggest incentive for organizing this online petition. Taiwan and the U.S. share the same democratic values, which is the reason the U.S. Congress passed the Taiwan Travel Act earlier this year. U.S. President Donald Trump on March 17, 2018 signed the act to promote high-level meetings between Taiwan and U.S. officials on the basis that Taiwan is devoted to establishing a democratic system that allows its people to enjoy human rights and the rule of law.

Time for Closer US-Taiwan Relations
In September, the United States authorized another arms sales package for Taiwan, a move so significant that it constitutes yet another notable sign by the Trump administration in support of Taipei against the backdrop of the ongoing trade war between the United States and China. The move further hints at the potential development the U.S.-ROC military cooperation in the coming years amid growing concerns of conflict in the South China Sea.

Since the official switch of U.S. recognition from Taipei to Beijing in 1979 and the passage of the Taiwan Relations Act the following year, U.S. officials have attempted to balance preserving both an official relationship with China and an unofficial relationship with Taiwan, which Beijing wrongly claims as part of its territory under its notion of “One China.” The statement is equivalent to say, “British independence,” which is ridicule and shows lack of knowledge about history.

在這些參數範圍內,美國與中華民國關係的近期發展必須進一步擴展到經濟,外交和人與人之間的領域,即使頭條新聞往往更側重於關係的安全方面。 這是在線請願“並重建美國與中華民國(ROC)之間的外交關係與廢除聯合國2758號決議”的另一個重要方面:連接台灣、美國與全球各地,志同道合的人士,他們共同奮鬥,讓改變從此刻正式開始。
Within those parameters, the recent developments of U.S.-Taiwan relations have the potential to grow even further to extend across the economic, diplomatic, and people-to-people realms, even if the headlines often tend to focus more on the security aspect of ties. That is another important aspect of the online petition to “Repeal U.N. Resolution 2758 and reestablish diplomatic relations between the United States and the Republic of China (ROC)”: connecting the like-minded people in Taiwan and the United States who are invested in making a change in the name of freedom, democracy and human rights.


For further information, visit the petition website at 

the website of MING HILL WILL Alliance CHEN MING Morning Bright, http://minghillwill.blogspot.com/2018/10/2758.html?m=1

main web


反共復民的所有行動需要龐大的經費支援,這三十多年來都是由晨明先生CHEN CHANG HUNG(MING HILL WILL Alliance CHEN MING Morning Bright)一個人一肩扛起所有的經費與支出,現在已經完成從最困難的0到1,1到2,2到3,進入到3生萬物的階段,整個「反共復民」,「正本清源,本立道生」,「驅除馬列,恢復中華」,「內殺國賊,外復主權」,「倒牆行動」,刻不容緩的內殺國賊的「割腫瘤行動」,龐大的「自新令特專」,建立法統的「明代會任務」,外復主權「中美復交,美共斷交,廢除2758」許多國際媒體的宣傳與遊說、公關,培養訓練接收中土的專業人員「中興專案」.....,諸多保密行動都急需龐大的人員參與及經費支出,已經絕對不可能再單由晨明一人可以支撐,這些全部的經費與支出,所以把明山會所有行動與工作,全面授權給

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Headline 2
Time to repeal UN Resolution 2758, reestablish US-ROC diplomatic ties and ending toxic Sino-American relationship: MING HILL WILL Alliance Chen Ming morning bright